Note: These weights are outdated. Newer beginner weights, called RSL Lite, are maintained by the RSL organizers.

Compare with Standard weekly settings (as of 2021-08-03)

Setting Beginner Intermediate League
Skulltulas Required for Bridge 1–50 1–75 1–100
Ganon's Trials Count 0–1 0–3 0–6
Entrance Randomizer Grotto/Dungeon/Indoor[note 1] Grotto/Dungeon/Indoor + Overworld (40%)
Mix Entrance Pools n/a 50%[note 2]
MQ Dungeon Count 0 0–1 (50/50) 0–12 (average 2)
Shuffle Songs 40% Anywhere 20% Dungeon Rewards, 40% Anywhere
Scrub Shuffle off/Affordable off/Affordable/Expensive/Random
Skulltulas Required for LACS 1–50 1–75 1–100
Tricks in Logic Standard + 3[note 3] + lensless MQ[note 4]
Tower Escape Sequence skipped 50%
Epona Race skipped 40%
Big Poe Target Count 1–4 1–7 1–10
Hints Requirement Nothing 5% SoA 5% MoT, 5% SoA
Hint Distribution various[note 5] + Useless
Text Shuffle off 5%[note 6]
Damage Multiplier Half/Normal/Double + Quadruple + OHKO
Item Pool Plentiful/Balanced/Scarce + Minimal[note 7]
Ice Traps none/normal/Extra + Mayhem/Onslaught[note 8]
Adult Trade Earliest Item Poacher's Saw Cojiro Pocket Egg

All other settings are the same across all three weights.


  1. only 1 type of ER at a time, if Indoor is on it's 50/50 Simple/Full
  2. Overworld entrances are included 20% of the time
  3. Goron City Spinning Pot PoH with Strength, Pass Through Visible One-Way Collisions, and Deku Tree Basement Web to Gohma with Bow
  4. except Ganon's Castle
  5. Balanced/Strong/Very Strong/Scrubs; in 50% of seeds, way of the hero hints are replaced with goal hints
  6. hint text is never shuffled
  7. if Triforce Hunt is on, the item pool can't be Minimal
  8. in Quad Damage and OHKO, ice traps can't be set to Mayhem or Onslaught